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About Adarsh Fibre


Adarsh Australia is a large scale design and manufacturing company. Our highly skilled team specialises in supplying production services to resource, food and beverage, chemical, medical, automotive, construction, and engineering companies around Australia and internationally.

Adarsh Fibre is an initiative of Adarsh Australia to provide more sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging and medical goods. Adarsh was awarded a Western Australian Waste Reduction Grant (via WasteSorted) as well as a federal grant to develop a local pulp processing plant capable of processing up to 3000 tonnes of waste paper and cardboard destined for landfill, producing high quality, locally manufactured medical products, food and beverage packaging and consumer packaging and products.

Regarding this, Adarsh Fibre is thankful of The Waste Authority WA Waste Sorted Grant as well as the federal Modern Manufacturing Initiative. In particular the National Manufacturing Priorities including the Manufacturing Integration Stream - Recycling and Clean Energy Priority Round 2 Grant.

Adarsh has also partnered with universities to help support the understanding and viability of pulp manufacturing. This includes researching the use of 3D printing technology to create moulds for future pulp fibre products.

All products produced by Adarsh Fibre are made locally in Perth, Western Australia.

Adarsh fibre team photo

Our Process 

At Adarsh Fibre, we are investing in a large suite of pulp processing machines including both thermoforming and conventional machines.

Our facility will includes three large and one small thermoforming machines, as well as one conventional machine for bottle/vessel production and one conventional machine for small batch production.

Thermoforming pulp processing machines provide a higher quality finish compared to conventional machines while being cost competitive compared to plastic alternatives. However, conventional machines are even more economical for prototyping and small to medium batches, albeit with reduced refinement in the end product.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about our capabilities today.

Other Adarsh Services

Custom Component Manufacturing

Secondary Adarsh Australia Logo
Manufacturing service. Image by Clayton Cardinalli

Adarsh Australia is a leading manufacturer of custom metal and plastic components in Perth, Western Australia.

With over 25 Years of experience, our team provide high quality products and fantastic customer service that you can depend on.

Industrial and Product Design

Idea to Life logo
Industrial Design procress

Idea to Life is an initiative aimed to help bring accessible industrial design to Perth and wider Australia.

Our team of engineering manufacturing, product design and marketing experts help deliver new products to market.

Plastics Manufacturing

Afarian Plastics Perth, plastics manufacturing specialists
Custom plastic part moulding and manufacturing

Afaridan Plastics is our custom plastics manufacturing and engineering division. We are plastic moulding, extrusion, and 3D printing specialists.

Afaridan works with a large variety of plastics and industries.

CNC Machining

PG Watson
CNC machining services

PG Watson is our very own specialised CNC machining division here at Adarsh Australia.

We pride ourselves on our precision, quality and CNC machining capabilities.

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